We’ve never had much success growing tomatoes. More than likely due to the fact that the spot we had for our veggie garden a few years back got a ton of shade from the neighbor’s trees. A few tomatoes would set and then they’d mold…go figure! So with our big new raised bed for our garden along the back side of the house that gets a ton ‘o sun we thought it would be good to try tomatoes again. Friend Lorrie told me that there are varieties for cool weather. Good to know! So I headed out to my favorite nursery and inquired, list in hand with several varieties I thought sounded good. Alas, all they had in stock was Stupice (say it this way stew-peach). Wasn’t on my list but I was eager to plant. I wanted a 4” pot but they only had pony packs of 6 so I got them. Steve had this great idea: since we don’t have any luck with tomatoes, why don’t we plant 3 in one tomato cage and 3 in another and then if one or two don’t thrive, we can just pull them out. Sounds good!
Dinner the other night: browned some beef in the pan (grass fed…why? That’s a post for another day) then put it in a bowl. Sautéed patty pan squash and those round yellow ones, onion, leek, garlic (of course), some roasted red and yellow peppers I had stored in the freezer, and a huge handful of fresh basil in olive oil. I poured boiling water over a large bowl of tomatoes and when the skins started peeling, I took the peel off and diced the tomatoes into the pan. The tomato juices bubbled up making this incredibly awesome veggie broth. I added the beef back in then served it over pasta (with a little parm cheese on top).
The heirloom tomatoes at The Farm (veggie stand down the street) are starting to ripen. I think I’ll start roasting those to “put up” in the freezer. My own Stupice? I’ll keep eating those babies one bowlful at a time.
Sounds yummy!